Campus Comprehensive Master Plan Kick-Off Meeting and Committee Orientation

Published: October 29th, 2004

Category: Memos

Ed Poppell, Vice President for Finance and Administration

The University of Florida Comprehensive Master Plan will undergo its five-year update for completion by the end of 2005. Three committees, consisting of faculty, staff, students and community representatives will guide the process. The committees are charged with tasks focused on the overall process, the transportation study and the conservation area study. A kick-off meeting and committee member orientation will be held on Friday, November 5th from 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM in the auditorium of Emerson Alumni Hall at 1938 West University Avenue. The public is invited to attend this forum and subsequent meetings of the committees. Questions about this meeting or the master planning process can be directed to Linda Dixon, Manager of the Planning Office in the Facilities Planning and Construction Division, 352/392-8799. Throughout the master planning process, information will also be posted at the website The agenda for the November 5th meeting is as follows:

1:00    Welcome and Introductions

1:30    What is a University Comprehensive Master Plan?

2:15    University Vision 2040 (UV40)

3:00    Conservation Element Progress

3:40    Transportation Element Progress

4:00    Historic Preservation Planning Progress

4:15    Wrap-Up and Next Steps

4:30    Adjourn

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