14th Annual Small Business Conference & Trade Fair
Faylene Welcome, Director of Small Business & Vendor Diversity Relations
The University of Florida is proud to be hosting its’ 14th Annual Small Business Conference & Trade Fair on March 24, 2005 which will be held at the Hilton Hotel and Conference Center. This annual event brings together small businesses, governmental agencies and educational institutions as exhibitors and attendees focusing on identifying opportunities for companies interested in doing business with the agencies represented at the event. Businesses and agencies from around the state participate in the trade fair helping to ensure an event that is informative to the campus.
The university places great value on the benefits of such an event to our community, to our campus and to our vendor community. Small businesses are a vital part of the foundation and success of our community and Florida’s economy. By expanding the University’s available vendor base and by increasing competition, the university stands to enhance the opportunity to obtain best value in the procurement of the various services and products that we purchase.
It is important for our administration, managers, and supervisors to take an active role in attending and encourage appropriate members of their staff to attend this event. Through your presence at this conference and trade fair, the university and our trade fair participants will all benefit.
Thank you in advance for your help in making this year’s Small Business Conference & Trade Fair a highly successful affair. Your support of our annual event is appreciated.
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