Notice of Withdrawal
Pamela J. Bernard, Vice President and General Counsel
Below is a copy of the Notice of Withdrawal for rule changes which were proposed for adoption by the University.
AGENCY: University of Florida
RULE NO: 6C1-1.0063
RULE TITLE: University of Florida; Discrimination in Employment Practice, Complaints and Appeal Procedures for Academic Personnel (AP), Technical, Executive, Administrative and Managerial Support (TEAMS) Staff Members, and University Support Personnel System (USPS) Employees
RULE NO: 6C1-1.201
RULE TITLE: University of Florida; Leaves
RULE NO: 6C1-3.061
RULE TITLE: Finance and Administration; Personnel Policy for Technical, Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Support Staff; Recruitment and Selection
Notice is hereby given that the changes to the above-referenced rules as published in The Gainesville Sun on February 19, 2005 have been withdrawn.
Thank you.
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