New Work Order Request Procedure for Telecom Services

Published: June 28th, 2005

Category: Memos

John Madey, Associate Director

Effective Friday, July 1, 2005, to submit any work requests for telecommunication services, please contact CNS- Telecommunications directly at our new Work Request line at 352-273-1234 (on campus 3-1234) or via the web at

Use this contact information for all repair requests or new installation work orders. After-hour requests for emergency telecom service can be made by calling 273-1234, as well, starting July 1, 2005.

Formerly, telecommunication work requests were submitted to Physical Plant Division’s Work Management Center. To complete the transition from PPD, CNS-Telecom has deployed a new communications services management system and an enhanced billing system for FY05.06. Additional information will be made available to department fiscal contacts regarding billing enhancements with an information session to be provided in early August.

Please share this information with staff responsible for submitting Telecommunications’ service requests. For any additional information regarding the above, please contact:
John Madey
Associate Director
Tel: 352.392.1146

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