Superior Accomplishment Awards Program Kickoff Nomination Period: September 15 to October 31
Kyle Cavanaugh, Vice President, Office of Human Resource Services
I am pleased to announce a call for nominations for the University of Florida’s Superior Accomplishment Awards program. The purpose of the program, now in its 17th year, is to recognize Academic Personnel; Technical Executive Administrative Managerial and Support (TEAMS) employees; and University Support Personnel System (USPS) employees who have contributed outstanding service in their fields during the academic year of August 1, 2004, to July 31, 2005. This year’s nomination period will begin September 15, 2005, and run through October 31, 2005.
Division-level winners each receive $200 along with a certificate of appreciation and memento coffee mug. Each division winner is eligible to be selected for one of six university-level awards of $2,000 each or one of eight $500 awards sponsored by The Gabor Agency (four awards) and HRH of Gainesville Inc. (four awards). In addition, each of the six university-level winners and his or her guest will be invited to attend a University of Florida football game in President Machen’s box.
For additional information about the Superior Accomplishment Awards program, nomination criteria, and nomination forms, please visit the awards’ web site at or contact your divisional committee chairperson listed below. The divisional award committees are responsible for the nomination processes and for winner selections in their divisions. Self-nominations are not accepted.
DIVISION 1 – All departments, divisions, and units under the Office of the President, the Office of Research and Graduate Programs, the Office of the General Counsel, and the Office of University Relations as well as all UF departments, divisions, and units under the Vice President for Development and Alumni Affairs (UFF)
Contact: Ms. Kay Howell, 207 Tigert Hall, Box 113075, 2-0186, Fax 2-3358,
DIVISION 3 – All schools, colleges, departments, and units under the Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Contact: Ms. Elaine Green, 1403 Norman Hall, Box 117047, 2-0723 ext. 223, Fax 2-5929,
DIVISION 4 – All schools, departments, and units under the Senior Vice President for Agriculture and Natural Resources (IFAS)
Contact: Ms. Judy Yates, 14625 Cty. Rd. 672, Wimauma, Fl 33589, (813) 634-0000, Fax (813) 634-0001,
DIVISION 5 – All colleges, departments, and units under the Senior Vice President, Health Affairs (Health Science Center)
Contact: Ms. Mary A. “Louise” Brophy, Room G1008c UFHSC , Box 100014, 273-5076, Fax 273-5334,
DIVISION 6 – All departments and units under the Vice President for Student Affairs
Contact: Ms. Myra Morgan, 101 J. Wayne Reitz Union, Box 118505, 2-4734, Fax 2-5100,
DIVISION 7 – All departments, divisions, and units under the Vice President for Finance and Administration and the Vice President for Human Resource Services
Contact: Ms. Lynda Reinhart, 1232 Stephen C. O’Connell Center, Box 115850, 2-5500, Fax 2-7106,
UNIVERSITY COMMITTEE CHAIR – Mr. Gerald R. “Jerry” Kidney, Room H-102F, UFHSC, Box 100014, 273-5602, Fax 2-9395,
COMMITTEE LIAISON – Mr. Kevin L. Clarke, Employee Relations, Office of Human Resources, Box 117700, 2-2333, Fax 6-2043,
UF’s Superior Accomplishment Awards program was developed to recognize deserving university employees and is coordinated by the Office of Human Resource Services. The success of this program depends on all of our participation as we seek to express appreciation for exceptional employees and their superior accomplishments. Thank you for your support of this program.
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