RGP Research Opportunity Fund Expands to Include All Colleges
Winfred M. Phillips, Vice President for Research
The RGP Research Opportunity Incentive Seed Fund annually invites proposals for new, faculty-initiated, potentially large-scale research programs that are interdisciplinary. The College of Engineering and IFAS have agreed to contribute to the Research Opportunity Fund, and the program has been expanded to include IFAS and Engineering. All University faculty who are eligible to submit proposals to external funding agencies are eligible for the Opportunity Fund.
To accommodate this expansion, the proposal deadline has been extended to February 28, 2006. The revised application guidelines are attached. (The guidelines will also be posted shortly on the RGP website at: http://www.rgp.ufl.edu/rgp/proposalguidelines.html.)
We are pleased that all units will be participating in this competition to seed interdisciplinary research at the University of Florida, and look forward to the many new collaborations that result.
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