Updates of UF Occupational Medicine Program to be effective January 16, 2006
Phillip L. Barkley, MD, Director of Student Health Care Center and William S. Properzio, PhD, Director, Environmental Health and Safety
The Student Health Care Center and Environmental Health and Safety have updated the University of Florida’s Occupational Medicine Program to be effective January 16, 2006.
Changes to the Program include the following:
*PeopleSoft will be the major communication tool for distributing an individual’s health assessment status. Departments must check the Exam Result screen for the most current health assessment status rather than depend on individual emails from the SHCC.
*Patient contact health assessments will now require a visit to either main campus SHCC (Infirmary) or SHCC at Shands (Room D2-49).
*All individuals needing a pre-placement health assessment for specific job duties at the University of Florida must sign a HIPAA release form before the health assessment is conducted.
*Visit http://www.shcc.ufl.edu/occmed for specific details on the above changes including rates that go into effect January 16, 2006.
If you have questions regarding the policy or procedures, please contact Environmental Health and Safety at 352-392-1591. If you have questions regarding the health screening process, please call the Student Health Care Center at 352-392-1161 x 1-4212.
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