Charter of IT Governance Task Committee

Published: September 1st, 2006

Category: Memos

Janie M. Fouke, Provost

I am pleased to announce the creation of an IT Governance Task Committee. The UF IT Planning Retreat on May 22, 2006 produced ten recommendations for the improvement of the campus computing environment. A next steps document was produced to outline short and long term actions that will be undertaken in response to those recommendations. Chartering the IT Governance Task Committee is a first step in determining strategic changes that will improve IT for the university.

The IT Governance Task Committee is charged with recommending to the CIO and SVP’s a UF-wide Governance framework that clearly defines: the domain of IT decisions; positions that will have input and/or responsibilities for those decisions; and how each decision will be structured, aligned, and communicated to the community.

The committee will be chaired by Dr. Marc Hoit, Interim CIO, and is comprised of representatives from different sections of the UF community. Faculty, students and staff will all be included in the process. Part of their charge is to remain cognizant of and responsive to specific needs and missions of the different units.

This committee’s work will include, but is not limited to: investigation of governance models across the nation; integration of IT governance with existing IT structures and shared governance; expansion of opportunities for faculty, staff, and students to participate in IT governance; and suggesting ways to increase involvement of all IT organizations in strategic planning and ensuring effective and timely dissemination of information.

The committee is expected to complete its work by June of 2007. Final recommendations will be presented to the SVP’s for approval.

The complete charter can be found on the IT website:

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