Collection, Use, and Storage of Personally Identifiable Information
Kyle Cavanaugh, Senior Vice President for Administration
This statement is intended to help members of the University of Florida community implement good practices against inappropriate use of Social Security numbers (SSNs) and also describes the purposes for which the University of Florida may legally collect SSNs under law. Specifically, the collection and use of Social Security numbers by the University of Florida is restricted in accordance with Florida law. Florida Chapter 119.071(5) permits an agency to collect an individual’s Social Security number where the agency is authorized by law to do so, or where collection of the number is imperative for the performance of the agency’s duties and responsibilities as prescribed by law.
The university uses a UFID number, not the SSN, as the primary identifier for an individual at the university. The SSN is no longer authorized to be used in any university information system, business form or process, or records collection, except as permitted by state or federal law or if the Senior Vice President for Administration determines that the use is imperative. Social Security numbers and certain other personally identifiable information, classified as restricted information, must be used and secured as directed by UF privacy and information security policies and procedures. To review the university’s Privacy Statement, see
“Authorized or prescribed by law” use means that Social Security numbers may be used for human resource operations such as payroll or benefits eligibility; medical claims payment; IRS reporting; or, financial aid or other functions where they are needed and legally allowed to be used. If you believe your work requires SSN use that is not currently approved, please contact the University Privacy Office at to request a restricted data policy exception. Only the Senior Vice President for Administration or his designee may approve such restricted information policy exceptions. If you believe that your SSN is being requested or used by the university for an unauthorized purpose, or if you have questions about appropriate use of your employees’ or students’ SSNs, please contact the University Privacy Office for assistance at 866-500-3344 or
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