Telecommunications Rates for FY 08-09

Published: April 14th, 2008

Category: Memos

Marc Hoit, Interim Chief Information Officer and Tim Fitzpatrick, Director, Computing and Networking Services

Computing and Networking Services (CNS) recently completed an annual review of Telecommunications Rates. CNS offers 3 different kinds of telephone services – Centrex, Key Systems, and Voice-over-IP (VoIP). VoIP is now the lowest cost alternative.

As CNS is an auxiliary unit, the rates for services are set to only recover costs. Overall, revenues and expenses are projected to remain the same next year. However, the migration of campus phones from Centrex to Voice-over-IP is picking up speed and beginning to show a cost savings. Due to this shift, VoIP rates will be going down (about 10%) and Centrex and Key-System rates will go up slightly (about 2%).

In the past, customers have said the rates can be confusing. To address this problem, starting next year we will bundle all these separate charges into the basic line rate.

Telecom Rate Changes, effective July 1, 2008, are listed below:

1. Centrex-Detail 07-08 08-09 >>Bundled
• Centrex-Basic-Line-Rate $18.65 $19.00 $20.00
• Emergency Phone Fee $.45 $.50 $.00
• Long Distance Access Fee $.50 $.50 $.00
Centrex-Bundled-Line-Rate ($/mo)) $19.60 $20.00 $20.00


2. Key-System-Detail 07-08 08-09 >>Bundled
• Key-Sys-Basic-Line-Rate $18.65 $19.00 $27.00
• Emergency Phone Fee $.45 $.50 $.00
• Long Distance Access Fee $.50 $.50 $.00
• Key-Sys Surcharge $7.00 $7.00 $.00
Key-Sys-Bundled-Line-Rate ($/mo)) $26.60 $27.00 $27.00


3. Voice-over-IP-Detail 07-08 08-09 >>Bundled
• VoIP-Basic-Line-Rate $10.00 $9.50 $11.00
• PRI-External-Number-Fee* $1.25 $.50 $.00
• Emergency Phone Fee* $.45 $.50 $.00
• Long Distance Access Fee* $.50 $.50 $.00
VoIP-Bundled-Line-Rate ($/mo)) $12.20 $11.00 $11.00

* note – these three fees ($1.50/mo) will continue to be charged to HealthNet VoIP lines.


4. Rate Comparison 07-08 08-09
• Key-Sys-Bundled-Line-Rate $26.60 $27.00
• Centrex-Bundled-Line-Rate $19.60 $20.00
• VoIP-Bundled-Line-Rate $12.20 $11.00

For more information regarding CNS Telecom rates and rate changes for FY 08-09, please contact Barb Sedesse at 392-2061.

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