Changes Related to Hiring Exemption Process

Published: August 13th, 2008

Category: Memos

Kyle J. Cavanaugh, Senior Vice President for Administration

Effective August 15, 2008, positions funded by grant, practice plan, auxiliary, or other sources will no longer require an exemption request form prior to posting the position. Exemption request forms continue to be required for state-funded positions.

Posting a state-funded position: The process for posting a state-funded position will continue to require a completed exemption request form (located online at Requests from academic units must first have approval from the dean and then be routed to the respective senior vice president for review. Requests from administrative units must first have approval from the vice president and then be routed to the senior vice president for administration for review.

The following titles and categories are exempted from the exemption request form:

– OPS Jobs
– Graduate Assistants
– Post Doctoral Associates
– Fellows (Pre- and Post-)
– Student Assistants
– Federal Work-Study

All exemption forms for state-funded positions should be faxed to (352) 846-3058 prior to the initiation of a requisition.

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