Academic Administrators’ Seminar – Part II: Department Chairs and Directors Managing Human Capital
Angel Kwolek-Folland, Associate Provost
Do not forget to register for and attend the second session in the Academic Administrators’ Seminar Series. The series is designed to bring together department chairs, directors, associate deans and deans in discussions about academic administrative management at UF. Session two focuses on University regulations and policies as well as administrator’s managing capital:
Part II:
Department Chairs and Directors Managing Human Capital
October 30, 2008
Emerson Alumni Hall, PR B
There will be reserved parking in the NE corner of the O’Connell Center parking lot. A UPD officer will be on duty from 7-10am to direct you.
Angel Kwolek-Folland, Associate Provost, Academic Affairs
Kyle Cavanaugh, Senior Vice President, Administration
Continental Breakfast
Welcome and Introduction of Presenters, Angel Kwolek-Folland
Kyle Cavanaugh, Senior Vice President, Administration – “Staff Relations: Evaluations, Compensation, Classification and Leave Management”
Registration is available now on the Faculty Development Website: Please direct questions, comments and suggestions for future seminars to Candace Buford at
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