President’s Council on Diversity

Published: January 6th, 2009

Category: Memos

Bernie Machen, University of Florida President

I am pleased to announce the establishment of the President’s Council on Diversity, which has been charged with the mission of gathering and analyzing diversity data at the college and departmental levels. The Council on Diversity has been formed to further the University’s commitment to equal opportunity. It is my belief that a great university is a diverse university with world-balance.

The Council on Diversity is also charged with identifying ways to increase the diversity of the faculty, staff and students. Our goal is that the diversity of faculty, staff and students at the University of Florida will closely reflect the population of the state of Florida as a whole. To that end, the Council on Diversity will:

  • Review the practices of each college and department within the University to determine whether improvements could be made to increase student, staff, and/or faculty diversity.
  • Analyze the efforts of other peer institutions similar to UF to identify any new and promising approaches available to increase student, staff, and/or faculty diversity.
  • Propose policies that serve to increase/retain student, staff, and/or faculty diversity.Please join me in working with members of the Council on Diversity when your area receives requests for access to data, policies, and other information that may be relevant to issues of diversity. Our efforts to support the council will bring us closer to fulfilling our mission of becoming one of the most respected public universities in the nation.

    Together we can accomplish academic excellence within our community, reflective of the rich culture and diversity of our state and nation.

    For more information, please visit the Diversity website at:

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