Notices of Proposed Regulation Amendments Notices of Technical Changes
Jamie Lewis Keith, Vice President and General Counsel
The Notices listed below have been published on the University’s official website at
Notices of Proposed Regulation Amendments
6C1-1.0061 Affirmative Action Plan for Equal Employment Opportunity, and Administrative Organization for the Affirmative Action Program
6C1-1.0063 Complaints and Appeal Procedures for AP, TEAMS and USPS
6C1-3.006 Traffic & Parking; Definitions
6C1-3.007 Traffic & Parking; Parking Registration
6C1-3.009 Traffic & Parking; Bus System
6C1-3.013 Traffic & Parking; Violations
6C1-3.014 Traffic & Parking; Fne Schedule
6C1-3.015 Traffic & Parking; Jurisdiction: Appeals
6C1-3.037 Registration and Student Fees
6C1-3.0372 Registration and Student Fees
6C1-3.040 Employee Recognition Awards
6C1-3.0421 Employee Debt Collection
6C1-3.046 Discipline, Suspension and Dismissal for Cause of Technical, Administrative and Managerial Support
6C1-3.054 Appointment; Technical, Executive, Administrative and Managerial Support and University Support Personnel System Staff
6C1-7.003 Academic Personnel Employment Plan: Academic Appointments, Types of Appointments, Appoint Status Modifier, and Academic-Administrative Classification Titles
6C1-7.041 Methods for Review and Resolution of Faculty Grievances
Notices of Technical Changes
6C1-1.200 Benefits, Retirement Programs, Employment Services and Holidays
6C1-3.008 Traffic & Parking; Miscellaneous Provisions
6C1-3.010 Traffic & Parking; Control of Parking
6C1-3.011 Traffic & Parking; Control of Traffic
6C1-3.057 Workers’ Compensation, Unemployment Compensation and Drug Testing
Thank you.
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