Material & Supply Fees/Equipment Use Fees

Published: March 12th, 2009

Category: Memos

Sheri Austin, Director, University Budgets

In an effort to create a more streamlined approach to the Material & Supply and Equipment Use Fee Request and Approval Processes, we are happy to announce the implementation of a new system which utilizes electronic workflow. This workflow allows the Department Originator to electronically submit the request to the Dean’s Office for approval, then routes the form to the Budget Office for course fee submission.

To ensure your area has the information they need to successfully manage the transition, classroom training will be offered March 20 – April 10th. Classroom training consists of approximately one hour of instruction and two and a half hours to input forms in an atmosphere where you can ask questions. You can sign up for course PST313: Managing M&S/Equip Fees through My Self Service. An online Toolkit will be available beginning March 20th and can be accessed at

We will begin data entry into the Course Fee system beginning March 20th and will end entry on April 10th. Departments will need to enter all Material and Supply Fees and Equipment Use Fees that are currently in effect as of Summer 2009. PeopleSoft Student Financials will use this information to calculate course fees and fee assessment. We will input Fall 2009 course fee updates at a future date.

Security roles should be requested from your Department Security Administrator (DSA) prior to March 20th to ensure access to the program. Remember the security requests take a couple days to be processed and put into effect so please request these roles as soon as possible. Deans must have their security role approved before any eForms will be able to be submitted.

Security Roles are as follows:
Department (Form Originators): UF_COURSEFEES_DEPT_USER
Dean or Designee (Approvers): UF_COURSEFEES_DEPT_DEAN

We greatly appreciate your support and flexibility during this transition. We sincerely hope these improvements make this process easier for you and your colleges. Please check our website at for instruction guides, policies and procedures. Please contact Susan Morris at 392-2402 or if you have any questions.

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