Faculty and Staff Travel
Larry Arrington, Interim SVP for Agriculture and Natural Resources
Doug Barrett, SVP for Health Affairs
Brian Beach, Interim SVP for Administration
Joe Glover, Provost and SVP for Academic Affairs
Because of current economic challenges to the university’s budget, we are aligning the University’s travel policies with restrictions placed recently on state agencies in Florida. The travel of University of Florida faculty and staff paid for by state funds shall be limited to activities that are critical to the University’s mission.
In processing travel requests, unit heads should consider whether or not the proposed travel is critical to UF’s mission of teaching, research, public service, clinical service, and extension and should approve only those that are. Examples of mission critical travel are: research conferences and seminars, delivery of instruction and related activities, and extension activities to service the citizens of the state. There are, of course, many others. An example of travel that might not be deemed mission-critical is travel to attend a ceremonial building dedication. The use of teleconferencing and other forms of electronic communication to meet the needs of the proposed activity should be considered prior to approval of any travel.
Please inform faculty and staff in your units of this policy and remind them that travel requests are to be submitted in advance of the travel so that you can determine whether or not the travel is critical to the university’s mission.
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