University of Florida Regulations

Published: March 25th, 2010

Category: Memos

Jamie Lewis Keith, Vice President and General Counsel

University of Florida Regulations
UF-1.006         Non-Discrimination Policy
UF-10061        Affirmative Action Plan for Equal Employment Opportunity, and Administrative Organization for the Affirmative Action Program
UF-1.015         University of Florida Campaign for Charities
UF-1.019         Limited Access Records
UF-1.201         Leaves
UF-2.001         Possession and Use of Firearms
UF-3.058         University Complaint Procedure for University Support Personnel System Employees
UF-4.007         Confidentiality of Student Records and Applicant Records
UF-4.041         Student Honor Code and Conduct Code: Scope and Violations
UF-7.003         Academic Personnel Employment Plan: Academic Appointments, Types of Appointments, Appointment Status Modifier, and Academic-Administrative Classification Titles
UF-7.019         Tenure and Promotion: Definition, Eligibility, Granting of Tenure, Criteria, Procedures and Methods of Processing, Confidential Nature of Materials and Discussions, Reports and Appeals, Permanent Status and Sustained Performance Evaluations
UF-7.042         University Grievance Procedures for Faculty and Postdoctoral Associates; Definitions, General Information and Procedures
UF-7.049         Textbook Adoptions

The regulations listed above were approved by the Board of Trustees on March 16, 2010. The regulation changes in their final form are now effective and have been published on the Regulations’ website at

Thank you.

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