Material & Supply Fees/Equipment Use Fees
Sheri P. Austin, Asst. Vice President, University Budgets
Applications to establish or adjust Material and Supply Fees and Equipment Use Fees for the Summer 2011 and Fall 2011 terms are now being accepted. All departmental requests should be submitted no later than February 11, 2011 and Deans approvals by February 18, 2011.
All existing fees should be reviewed to determine if you are charging the appropriate fee to cover the resources needed. Amounts exceeding $50 per course for Material and Supply Fees must be substantiated. A maximum of $30 per credit hour has been established for Equipment Use Fees. Exceptions to this maximum will need to be submitted by the Dean and will be reviewed by the Provost.
You will need to submit a separate form for each term if you want to change the fees or items to be purchased. If there is no change you will not need to submit a new form, the fee will continue until a change is initiated.
Colleges and Departments are reminded that (1) they must maintain records of the revenue and expenditures made per course; (2) available Material & Supply cash balances must be below 15% of term revenues two weeks after the close of classes. Failure to maintain this minimum balance will result in the loss of subsequent term fees.
The Material & Supply and Equipment Use Fee Request and Approval Processes should be completed through the eForms Course Fee System utilizing electronic workflow.
To ensure your area has the information they need to successfully manage the updates, you can find an online Toolkit at
You can also find quick start instruction guides for new, update or deletions of fees at this site.
If you have new personnel assigned to this task, Security roles should be requested from your Department Security Administrator (DSA). New security requests are processed overnight.
Security Roles are as follows:
Department (Form Originators): UF_COURSEFEES_DEPT_USER
Dean or Designee (Approvers): UF_COURSEFEES_DEPT_DEAN
Please contact Stephanie Nielsen at 392-2120 or if you have any questions.
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