Mandatory Training in Cost Principles

Published: November 26th, 2012

Category: Memos

Dr. David Norton, Vice President for Research

The University of Florida receives nearly $700 million in sponsored funding each year. To support investigators and the University in meeting the expectations of our sponsors, the Office of Research, Contracts & Grants Accounting and Training & Organizational Development have created an online course in Cost Principles.

This course covers the foundational principles of budgeting and expensing costs on sponsored projects. Having a solid grasp on these concepts will help to ensure the integrity of the administration of funds and allow the University of Florida to continue to be seen as a good investment by our research partners.

The course is mandatory for all individuals listed as an investigator on any UF sponsored project and for anyone within the UF enterprise who facilitates the development of budgets, charging of costs, distribution or allocation of payroll, reporting, or any other fiscal activity for sponsored funds. Investigators will have until January 15, 2013 to complete the course. After that time, investigators who have not successfully completed the course will have Notice of Award actions on their sponsored projects withheld until the training course is completed.

The course is available online through myUFL by navigating to Main Menu > My Self Service > Training and Development > Request Training Enrollment. The course name is “Cost Principles” and the course number is RSH260.

Any questions about the training can be directed to Stephanie Gray, Assistant Director, Office of Research at 352/273-4062 or

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