CampusClarity “Think About It” Implementation

Published: June 29th, 2015

Category: Memos

Dave Kratzer, Vice president for Student Affairs

On July 1, 2015, the University of Florida will launch “Think About It,” a state of the art
interactive online training course designed to prepare college students for the challenges
and responsibilities of college life. In addressing the interconnection between drug and
alcohol abuse, hookup culture, and sexual violence, it encourages students to reflect
critically on the personal beliefs, social norms, and cultural pressures that enable high-risk

This mandatory program will replace the current “eCheckup” requirement for all non-
graduate, new UF students (both online and traditional), and it will be required for the
first time by all new UF graduate and professional students (both online and traditional).
The mandate is in accordance with Campus SaVE Act which will go into effect this year.
“Think About It” is designed and distributed by CampusClarity (a service of Lawroom) and
offers separate module curriculums for graduate and undergraduate students.

If you would like to learn more about the “Think About It” software and implementation,
please visit

For questions, please email

This training course will further UF’s culture of care and help students make healthy

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