University Tenure, Permanent Status, and Promotion Nominations 2023-24

Published: March 27th, 2023

Category: Memos

Chris Hass, Associate Provost for Academic and Faculty Affairs

Faculty members being considered for tenure, permanent status, and/or promotion in the academic year 2023-2024 must be made aware of the website URL where they can find the University’s “Guidelines and Information Regarding the Tenure, Permanent Status and/or Promotion Process for 2023-2024”.  This information also should be given to new faculty to familiarize them with our tenure and promotion process.  Faculty should be aware, however, that the “Guidelines” are updated annually.

Academic Affairs will send a list of candidates to those units/departments that have tenure and permanent status accruing faculty.  The list has the date a faculty member began accruing time towards tenure/permanent status.  Please email with any necessary corrections.

The candidate must certify that his or her tenure and/or promotion packet is complete before departmental review and voting occurs.  Nominees must organize their packet according to a Template, available in the Online Promotion and Tenure (OPT) system, including the order of documents, and numbers and titles of sections. The Template is available by logging into MyUFL. Go to the Main Menu>My Self Service>Faculty Promotion and Tenure>UF Faculty Promotion and Tenure>Promotion and Tenure Packet>Packet Template and Activity. Click Here for information and instructional materials in the OPT system.

All recommendations from the Colleges must be complete by January 15, 2024.  Please schedule college/unit meetings to ensure this deadline is met. College/department deadlines should be communicated to the faculty as soon as possible.

Thank you.

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