Gator Days and Gator Nights Information

Published: August 14th, 2001

Category: Memos

James E. Scott, Vice President

The Office of New Student Programs in the Dean of Students Office is coordinating Gator Days and Gator Nights, a Welcome Month full of activities aimed toward welcoming new students to the university. These events, which take place from August 15th through September 30th, include academic and departmental activities, student involvement activities, fine and performing arts events, and athletic events. From workshops on resume building to New Student Assemblies, Gator Connection and Gator Nights, new students have an array of opportunities to get involved at the University of Florida.

A listing of these events is located at Please encourage students to visit the website and find out how they can spend their Gator Days and Gator Nights! If you have any questions, or would like to submit an event from your area, please contact Melissa Johnson, Coordinator for New Student Programs, at 392-1261 or

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