TEAMS Employee Transition

Published: December 24th, 2002

Category: Memos

Larry T. Ellis, Director, Division of Human Resources

To assist with the payroll and leave process for those USPS employees in your area who have elected to join TEAMS effective January 7, we will be mailing lists of names to two locations in your area:

Timekeeping Locations
Timekeepers will receive a copy of the list of employee names from which notices of appointment (contracts) should be generated.

Leave-Keeping Locations
The purpose of this notification is to enable leave-keepers to monitor the leave records of those employees making the transition to ensure they begin to receive the appropriate TEAMS leave accruals. Because TEAMS annual leave accrual should automatically be 6.769 hours per pay period, this information is for audit purposes only. The first accrual for new TEAMS employees will be split between their former USPS accrual rate and that of the new TEAMS accrual rate.

Because A&P employees will automatically transition as of January 7, no list of such employees will be provided, and no additional action is required of, or for, those employees.

Please note: Due to the processing requirements of the transition of TEAMS employees, we will not be processing certain appointments during the January 3 to 16 pay period. Please see for additional details about the TEAMS transition, including important information about processing; recruiting and hiring procedures; changes to leave practices, including the Family and Medical Leave Act; and class code revisions.

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact my office at 392-1075, SC 622-1075, or . We appreciate your understanding and assistance as we implement these changes.

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