Information Technology Policy Updates and Changes

Published: November 13th, 2003

Category: Memos

Chuck Frazier, Vice Provost for Information Technology

This note is to announce some updates and changes to UF IT policies. These updates were reviewed and approved in the Information Technology Advisory Council (ITAC) and the ITAC committee structure. See the revised policies at the URLs below and note too that a new policy was created to address spam.

Acceptable Use of Computing Resources

IT Security Policy

IT Security Procedures

Guidelines to Develop Applications for Secure Deployment

Spam Policy:

In the area of security, it is important to remember that all major UF units must designate a Unit Information Security Manager (ISM). Please make sure that any changes in designated Unit ISMs are made known to the UF ISM, Kathy Bergsma (, 392-2061).

Security is very challenging for any organization dependent on information resources. Universities, of course, are particularly dependent on IT and some would say we are also particularly if not naturally vulnerable to security incidents. So, having and supporting a Unit ISM responsible for maintaining specific internal unit IT documentation, security policy and procedures, and a business resumption plan is very important.

We will review polices on a regular basis and revise as circumstances dictate. Campus communication and collaboration is very good on security. With your continued interest, help and support, I am sure we will be able to develop and follow good security practices and to do so in ways that are consistent with our academic values and goals.

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