Academic Appointment Process Through September 9, 2004

Published: May 17th, 2004

Category: Memos

David R. Colburn, Provost

UF is scheduled to transition on June 18, 2004 from the current payroll system to the new PeopleSoft system. To insure timely processing of new academic appointments during the transition, the Office of Academic Personnel will continue to process all academic appointments in the PeopleSoft system through September 9, 2004 for the following colleges and units:

All colleges and units in the E&G unit
College of Dentistry
College of Public Health and Health Professions

This will afford department and college staff extra time to learn the new system before they become responsible for academic appointment entry procedures.

Consequently, all academic appointments for these units are to be transmitted to the Office of Academic Personnel using the customary paperwork through September 9, 2004.

IFAS and all other colleges in the Health Science Center will input their appointments and go live on June 18, 2004. These colleges are asked to submit some paperwork to the Office of Academic Personnel so that appointments can be reviewed for accuracy. A separate memo will be issued describing the required paperwork.

For the pay period 6/18/04 – 7/1/04, all academic appointments must be received in the Office of Academic Personnel by June 1, 2004 to ensure payment in a timely manner. Deadlines for the 2004-2005 fiscal year pay periods will be distributed in a separate memo.

After September 9, 2004, all department and college units will become responsible for the process of appointing employees through the PeopleSoft system, beginning with the 9/10/04 – 9/23/04 pay period. At that time, the Office of Academic Personnel will approve the appointments and provide help as needed.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Janet Malphurs at 392-1251 or e-mail her at Thank you for your assistance in this important manner.

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