Wall-Plate Project Startup
Marc Hoit, Interim CIO
Computing and Networking Services (CNS) manages 40% of the local networks on the main campus (12,000 of 30,000 ports). On July 1, 2007 CNS will begin a 3-year project to upgrade the remaining 18,000 ports. This OIT sponsored, centrally funded, strategic technology initiative is known as the Wall-plate Project. More information regarding project goals, schedule, and budget can be found at: www.cns.ufl.edu/wall-plate.
As announced last Fall, most academic and administrative units on the main campus are included in the Wall-Plate project. Externally funded auxiliary operations are not eligible. Housing, Shands, and the Health Sciences Center networks are self-supporting and not covered by the central funding.
The project will proceed building-by-building across campus. CNS will do the “quick and easy” projects first. Buildings with major wiring problems will be done last. To find out where your building(s) fit in the year-by-year schedule, please check the project web page. Units willing to provide additional funding to outsource the wiring upgrade can speed up their implementation.
Shortly before work in a building begins, all units that occupy the building will be asked to “opt-in” to the Wall-Plate Service, and select their desired service level. Some of the options are:
1. Opt-out – Do you want continue to manage your own local networks at your own expense? Most units will choose to opt-in — to get free equipment upgrades and ongoing support.
2. Gigabit – The standard port connection speed is 10/100 Megabits — provided at no charge. Do you need higher speed Gigabit connections? This is available at one time fee of $25 per port. For desktop workstations, most units will choose 10/100.
3. VoIP – Are you ready to convert to VoIP telephone services? Your monthly phone bill will probably go down. But you need to buy a new telephone handset. Because VoIP is also a strategic technology initiative, CNS will subsidize some of these up front costs:
- POE port – a Power Over Ethernet switch upgrade – provided at no charge.
- VoIP phone – some low-end basic models – provided at ½ price.
However, the VoIP discounts are available only when the Wall-Plate project first comes to your building(s). If you decide to adopt VoIP at a later date, the pricing model may change requiring you to pay full-price.
For additional information regarding the centrally Funded Wall-Plate service and project, please contact Tim Fitzpatrick at 392-2061, or email him at timf@ufl.edu.
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