Call for Nominations for University Awards – Submission Deadline: March 1, 2008
David Denslow, Honorary Degree Committee Chair
One of the traditional components of our commencement ceremonies is honoring individuals who have been selected to receive a university designated award (these include the honorary degree, the distinguished alumnus award, the distinguished achievement award, and the distinguished service award). We count on you and your colleagues to identify and nominate individuals who, through their accomplishments and service, are deserving of the university’s highest honors.
Nominations submitted by the March 1st deadline will be considered at the March, 2008 (specific date, TBD) meeting of the university’s Honorary Degrees, Distinguished Alumnus Awards and Memorials Committee. Given the review process cycle and the challenges of scheduling the honoree’s visit to campus, we encourage you to submit nominations as early as an academic year prior to when you would like the honoree to receive her/his award. This allows us and the honoree sufficient time to schedule and plan accordingly. For your information, the next opportunity for nominations will not be until Fall 2008–nomination deadline October 1, 2008.
The nomination package consists of the following:
1. A nomination letter that includes background information on the nominee including the nominee’s curriculum vitae.
2. Three or more letters of recommendation in support of the nomination.
The nomination package should be mailed to the committee, in care of Robin Frey, President’s Office, P.O. Box 113150. If you have any questions about the process, please contact Robin via email or by phone at 392-3117.
Thank you.
Janie Fouke, Provost and Senior Vice President
Paul Robell, Vice President, Development and Alumni Affairs
Robin Frey, Director, Presidential Events
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