Tenure, Permanent Status and Promotion Workshops for Faculty
Dr. Angel Kwolek-Folland, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs
Workshops have been scheduled to discuss the preparation of tenure and promotion packets and the University evaluation process for 2011-2012.
We encourage faculty who will be submitting packets this fall, members of this year’s college/unit review boards, new hires, and other interested faculty who may be going through the process in the near future to attend one of these sessions:
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
C1-11, Health Science Center
1pm-3pm (Videoconf)
Jax Alumni Auditorium
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
282 Lecture Hall, Reitz Union
A separate workshop on Tenure and Promotion (PRO324) aimed specifically for staff that assist faculty in the process will be held on August 24, 2011 in room 120, HR building. This is part of the PRO3 series, please sign up through MYUFL.
If you have questions on the faculty or staff workshops please contact Janet Malphurs at jmmalph@ufl.edu.
To sign up for one of the faculty workshops please RSVP Ileana McCray at mccrayi@ufl.edu
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