FAR and Online System

Published: August 3rd, 2011

Category: Memos

Joseph Glover, Provost

Better Reporting, Less Effort: Online Faculty Assignment Report (FAR) now available as part of UF’s new Effort Reporting initiative

The online Faculty Assignment Report, an important part of the University’s new Effort Reporting Initiative (as mentioned in the May 15, 2011 DDD communication, “Effort Reporting on Research Awards”) is now available for use.

Although use of the online FAR is currently optional, we strongly encourage departments to try using the new system while participation is voluntary. This phased approach will allow the project coordinators to further refine the form and incorporate enhancements or corrections in advance of campus-wide implementation for the Spring 2012 Semester. I appreciate the assistance of the campus community in this endeavor.

A variety of resources are available to support implementation of the new FAR:

  • Several Town Hall meetings were held around campus to introduce the system and answer questions from the field. One of the presentations was recorded and is available to view at the following address:
  • The Office of Contracts and Grants Accounting has formed a subcommittee to review and improve grants-related policies and procedures, especially those related to effort reporting. We expect the subcommittee’s efforts will help provide clarity around these important business processes.
  • A new informational session is available in myUFL: RSH200 Effort Reporting. This session provides descriptions of the new effort activity categories, step-by-step instructions for using the online FAR, and custom viewing tracks of information specifically tailored to the busy schedules of deans, chairs, and faculty. To enroll for RSH200 in myUFL (my.ufl.edu), after signing on, click Main Menu > My Self Service > Training and Development > Request Training Enrollment. Search for course number RSH200.

Thank you for your participation and support for this important initiative. If you have any technical questions regarding the online system, please contact the UFHelp Desk at 392-HELP (4357), or helpdesk@ufl.edu. If you have questions about the contents or use of the FAR, please contact your unit administrator.

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