NIH Extramural Research Facilities Construction Projects

Published: December 2nd, 1997

Category: Memos

Karen A. Holbrook, Ph.D., Vice President for Research, Dean of the Graduate School

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has announced the FY 98 competition for support of Extramural Research Facilities Construction Projects for biomedical and behavioral research and research training. Funds can be requested for construction of new facilities, additions to existing buildings, completion of uninhabitable “shell” space in new or existing buildings, and major alterations or renovations. NIH must approve the project’s working drawings and specifications before advertisement of construction bids and before construction can be initiated.

With the $20 million available, NIH anticipates making 15 new awards at different levels. The maximum project award amount will be $1 million. Matching funds of 40% to 50% from the applicant institution are required.

Because an institution may submit only one application to this competition, an internal screening and selection process will be held. UF units that have projects fitting the guidelines should submit a brief preproposal to the Office of the Vice President for Research, 223 Grinter Hall, by 5 p.m. Monday, December 15, 1997. Proposals are due to NIH on January 23, 1998.

Application guidelines may be obtained from ORTGE’s Program Information Office, 392-4804, They may also be printed directly from the web at

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