Spring 2017 Textbook Adoptions

Published: September 23rd, 2016

Category: Memos

Joseph Glover, Provost and Senior Vice President

The textbook adoption system for Spring 2017 is now available to faculty and departments to submit their Spring 2017 textbook adoptions and materials requirements.  Please visit http://www.textadoption.ufl.edu/ to enter Spring 2017 adoptions.  You will notice a small change to the adoption system effective this term.  When entering an adoption, you will see an “Adoption Agreement” that states the following:

  • Per federal and state regulations (found at Textbook Affordability Statute (1004.085, Florida Statutes) and Textbook Affordability Statute (1004.085, Florida Statutes) , course instructors are responsible in determining when a newly marketed textbook edition differs substantively from the previous edition.  If this textbook adoption contains a book that is a new edition for the course, the course instructor has determined the difference between the old and new edition is significant enough to warrant adopting the new edition.
  • Also, all items, whether listed individually or as a bundled package, are required for use in the course unless described as recommended instead. 
  • Click “I Agree” to indicate the federal and state regulation requirements have been read and continue to textbook adoption, or click “Cancel” to return to the previous page.

Otherwise the system remains unchanged from previous semesters.  The deadline for Spring 2017 adoptions is October 31, 2016.  This date coincides with the beginning of advance registration and when students can view their course textbook and materials requirements. This information is also available online to all bookstores to help them ensure appropriate arrival of texts and better prices for student book buybacks.

Knowledge of course textbook and materials requirements helps students balance their course loads based on reading demands and financial needs – including the purchasing of books.

Timely entry of this information also provides students their best opportunity to sell books back at higher prices. Bookstores typically will not offer to buy back texts unless the text is listed as being used the next semester.

Timely posting of textbook adoptions has the strong support of the student body, and it is a law in Florida Statutes. UF students continue to endorse the availability of textbook information online and have indicated it aids in course selection.

For compliance-monitoring purposes, the final deadline date to submit text adoptions for Spring courses is November 20, 2016.

If you have any questions about the textbook adoption submission process, please contact the textbook adoption website administrator at (352) 294-3355 or email


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