Update on Public Records Disposition Freeze
Will Henson, Director
The Bureau of Archives and Records Management and the Attorney General’s office have developed a review process which will allow state agencies to submit records disposition requests for approval while the state is involved in litigation with the tobacco industry. This process will involve review by the agency’s General Counsel, the Attorney General’s office, and counsel for the tobacco industry.
All University of Florida offices and departments may resume submitting records disposition requests to this office for approval, subject to the additional review process.
Until further notice, public records that normally may be destroyed without obtaining prior approval (see Rule 1B-24.010 F.A.C.) must also be submitted on a Records Disposition Request Form for approval prior to destruction.
Any public records approved for disposition prior to the freeze, but not yet physically disposed of, will need to be resubmitted for approval prior to any further disposition.
I will continue to keep you informed as further details are made available. If you have any questions, please call or e-mail. My number is 392-4180 and my e-mail address is whenson@nervm.nerdc.ufl.edu.
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