Letter of Appointment File
Rita Cowan, Administrative Services Coordinator
The following changes have been made to the Letter of Appointment (LOA) File:
Residency Code – The residency code for a student, which tells whether or not to charge out-of-state fees, is now displayed on both screens of an LOA record. It can be found on the same line as the student’s name. Tuition costs for the codes are:
A-Out-of-state fees E- Out-of-state fees F-In-state fees N-Out-of-state fees R-In-state fees T-In-state fees
The only times these codes won’t display is if the Current Student Records file is closed for processing. When it is closed a “?” will be displayed in that field.
E-mail Messages – We have updated some of the e-mail messages sent to the departments/units via the tuition waiver process to better communicate problems that are preventing a waiver from being generated.
Archive – Records in the LOA File which end prior to 5/9/97 will be archived during the next few months to reduce the browse listing for each student. At that time we will renumber the sequence numbers for each student’s records. The sequence number is listed on the browse screen of the LOA File under the column headed “Seq”.
Number of Hours Waived – The LOA File has been updated for Fall semester to grant waivers of 9 hours for students employed at .25 – .74 FTE, per the new minimum full-time registration requirements for graduate students.
New fee costs – Tuition waivers generated for Fall semester will reflect the increases recently approved by the Board of Regents.
To assist with granting need-based scholarships our office will make available listings of those students who qualify for financial aid. These listings will be available for college Offices to pick up in Room 29 Tigert on August 10. An updated list will be available again on August 24 to allow colleges to adjust waivers for students whose financial need may have changed before we run the initial batch for granting fee waivers.
The Graduate School will begin issuing reports on tuition waiver costs via e-mail to the contacts for each Authority Code. These reports will give detailed information by student within each department/unit. The first report will be transmitted on August 14 and will summarize information for summer semester. Thereafter, reports will be sent twice each term, one report at mid-term, and a final one after the semester is over. The dates of transmittal for Fall semester will be October 16 and January 5.
Other key dates for Fall semester are:
- August 24-26 Warning e-mail messages will be sent to allow you to make corrections prior to the initial batch for tuition waivers.
- August 27 The LOA File will close at noon.
- August 28 We will process the initial batch for granting tuition waivers.
- September 2 The LOA File will be re-opened for departmental input.
- December 18 Last day for making corrections to the LOA File for Fall semester.
Should you have any questions regarding this information, please contact Nancy Paris or me at 392-1251.
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