Benefits Open Enrollment Extended One Week

Published: October 16th, 1998

Category: Memos

Peter Maren, Assistant Director

The annual open enrollment period for state-sponsored insurance plans has been extended by the Division of State Group Insurance (DSGI) through 5 p.m. on Friday, October 23. This extension was granted because of the late date many employees received their open enrollment materials and the effect hurricane Georges had on several groups of state employees.

Employees who wish to change their current benefits package may do so by completing the appropriate enrollment forms sent to their home and campus addresses or using the Internet, All changes now must be made by 5 p.m. on October 23. Employees who do not respond will have their current enrollment status continue for state health, state life, and supplemental insurance plans. Employees can determine their current benefits by reviewing a list sent to their home address. Medical and dependent day care reimbursement accounts and the pre-tax waiver for health or life insurance premiums must be renewed each year during open enrollment.

This year, no verification letters of changes made during open enrollment will be mailed. However, employees may verify their coverage through the Internet site listed above or by calling University Benefits at 392-1225 or DSGI at (850) 921-4600. Personnel satellite offices also are available to help employees with the open enrollment process.

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