Pay Upon Demotion Rule Change

Published: April 14th, 2000

Category: Memos

Larry T. Ellis, Director

Pay upon demotion for USPS employees now may exceed the maximum of the pay grade range for the class to which the employee is demoting. This change, effective immediately, is based on revised State University System (SUS) rules and was recommended for approval and implementation by the University of Florida Personnel Advisory Committee.

Previously, SUS and UF rules allowed a demoting employee’s salary to be reduced or remain unchanged provided the maximum of the range was not exceeded. With this rule change, departments have the option to accept a demotion candidate even if his or her current salary exceeds the maximum of the range for the lower level position. Please note that a USPS employee still may not receive a salary increase upon demotion.

Additional details about salaries for USPS employees who move from one USPS position to another are available at Please direct any questions to Classification & Compensation at 392-1213 or

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