Procedures for University Scholars Program

Published: April 5th, 2000

Category: Memos

David R. Colburn, Interim Provost

In an effort to streamline some of the procedures for payment of the University Scholars Program (USP) stipend and research support, the following guidelines will apply:

Research Stipend

Payment of the University Scholar stipend this year will be made in two (2) lump-sum payments ($1,500 in May, $1,000 in August). Depending on the Scholar’s current employment status with UF, the form(s) required to process the lump sums will vary. For example, if the Scholar is currently employed as a student assistant, then departments should complete an SP100 Student Assistant Appointment Form for the lump sum payment. Otherwise, departments should complete the T110 OPS Requisition. The following information will be necessary in completing the appropriate form for each Scholar:

Employment Status*:     Student Asst    	OPS(FTE less than 1.0)

Form #                  SP100                   T110
Job Code                 X                       X
Assignment #            999                     N/A
Dates                   4/28/00-5/11/00 	4/28/00-5/11/00
Student hours           80                      N/A
FTE                     0.01                    0.01
Pay rate/Gross pay      $1500.00                $1500.00
Occupation code         70020                   70020
Earnings code           712                     512
Annual contract rate    $1500.00                N/A

(table continued)
Employment Status*:      OPS (FTE = 1.0) 	Not Employed**

Form #                  T110                    T110
Job Code                 W                       J
Assignment #            N/A                     N/A
Dates                   4/28/00-5/11/00 	4/28/00-5/11/00
Student hours           N/A                     N/A
FTE                     0.01                    0.01
Pay rate/Gross pay      $1500.00                $1500.00
Occupation code         70020                   70020
Earnings code           511                     522
Annual contract rate    N/A                     N/A

* “Employment status” refers to the type of employment in effect during the lump sum paydates-those Scholars who change or terminate employment during the summer may necessitate a change in the paperwork required for the August lump sum payment.

**Those Scholars who are not currently employed, or have not been employed as OPS within the last 12 months, will have to complete full payroll signup materials, i.e., I9, W4, UPS50.

The OPS position number, department organization code, and time-keeping location will correspond to the department making the appointment. The Office of Academic Affairs will transfer the monies to departmental accounts to cover the first of the Scholar stipends by May 19, 2000.

The dates for the second lump-sum payment ($1000) at the end of summer will be 8/4/00-8/17/00. Funds for the second part of the stipend will be allocated as part of the College’s operating budget for 2000/2001.

Research Support

The USP has expanded its research support for the Scholar to include travel to remote locations to conduct research, as well as presentation at academic conferences. However, the reimbursement procedure will remain the same, i.e., the Scholar’s department should process the travel voucher for the Scholar on a departmental state account, and send a copy of the voucher to the Office of Academic Affairs for reimbursement.

Moreover, similar to last year, the research support for the Scholar’s mentor will be allocated to the respective College’s operating budget for 2000/2001, which will be loaded in July.

If you have any questions about these procedures or the University Scholars Program, please do not hesitate to contact the Office of Academic Affairs, or the USP website:

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