Utility Rates

Published: March 14th, 2001

Category: Memos

David S. O’Brien, Director

The Physical Plant Division is responsible for providing utilities for the University of Florida campus. Each year, we establish rates based on anticipated raw utility cost, plus other production, distribution and operational costs. Unfortunately, we are not exempt from the fossil fuel related rate increases of the past year. Florida Power Corporation has already passed on two electricity rate increases since July 2000 and another one is expected in July of 2001. Our cost for steam next fiscal year is anticipated to increase 48.2%. Although we are striving to provide these utilities to the University community at the lowest possible rate, we must pass along the impact of these increases. Projected utility rates effective July 1, 2001 are listed below. As always, it is our intent to avoid mid-year rate increases.

Electricity  $ 0.0706 / KWH 13.0 % Increase
Chilled Water  $ 100.1200 / KTn 13.0 % Increase
Steam  $ 4.8900 / KLb 36.2 % Increase
Water  $ 0.9300 / KGal 2.2 % Increase
Waste Water  $ 1.7000 / KGal 1.8 % Increase
Refuse  $ 3.5900 / CuYd 2.0 % Increase

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