Deans, Directors and Department Chairs Memoranda Changes

Published: June 14th, 2001

Category: Memos

Gail Baker, Vice President

Effective immediately, Acting University Web Administrator Mark Trammell will be responsible for maintaining and distributing information on the DDD list. All memos previously sent to Christian Conrad should be sent to Mark at Continued support will be provided by Elwood Aust ( in Administrative Affairs.

The following requirements and instructions should be followed by those wishing to submit a memo for distribution.

DDD Memos should be:

  • approved by the president or a vice president;
  • created or co-authored by the president, a vice president, a dean, director or department chair;
  • used to announce changes to university policy and procedure, or to announce personnel changes at the college dean level and above;
  • kept to 300 words or less (not including standard memo header, footer);
  • submitted in plain text, without formatting (tables, columns, bold, italics, etc.); (Documents requiring formatting should either be hosted by the unit and referred to by a URL in the body of the memo, or should be forwarded to to be posted at

Memos should be sent as an e-mailed attachment in either Microsoft Word or Corel WordPerfect format.

Electronic DDD memos are available to anyone who wishes to receive them.

To add or change a subscription for a dean, director, department chair, or vice president, contact Mark Trammell. These positions should subscribe using their GatorLink account or a generic account created for their position (i.e.

All other subscriptions may be made by sending an e-mail to Include “SUBSCRIBE DDD-L” (without the quote marks) in the message body. After sending the message, subscribers should receive a return e-mail indicating a successful subscription with detailed instructions. Archives and documentation for this and many other UF mailing lists can be found at

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