Research Administrators Training Series

Published: August 2nd, 2002

Category: Memos

Winfred M. Phillips, Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School

As part of an effort to continually improve the overall quality, effectiveness and efficiency of research administration at the University of Florida, we are pleased to announce a new Research Administrators Training Series.

On September 16-17 we will host the Society for Research Administrators’ Departmental Administrators Training Program, “DA 101.” To be held at the Reitz Union, this conference will provide a comprehensive overview of the various elements necessary to be a successful departmental research administrator and will also serve as the starting point for the new training program.

This initiative is the result of coordinated efforts from across campus, including Research and Graduate Programs, Finance and Accounting’s Contracts & Grants, IFAS Sponsored Programs, the Office of Engineering Research, Human Resources’ Training & Development, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and the College of Medicine.

While the training series enrollment is open, we particularly encourage the participation of departmental personnel who are responsible for and provide the hands-on support needed to make our research enterprise function.

The goals of this training series are to:

* Assure a trained workforce in research administration to support UF’s mission.
* Develop a consistent, standardized body of knowledge for UF research administrators.
* Establish high performance standards for research administration.
* Provide knowledge and support to faculty in the management of research endeavors.

For details about the Research Administrators Training Series and to register for DA 101, please see

Best regards.

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