Grants for Internationalizing the Curriculum

Published: January 21st, 2004

Category: Memos

Winfred M. Phillips, Vice President for Research and Graduate Programs
Dennis C. Jett, Dean of the International Center and Director of the Transnational and Global Studies Center
Sue M. Legg, Director of the Partnership in Global Learning

As part of the effort to meet UF’s strategic goal of internationalizing the campus and curriculum, grants will again be awarded this year to faculty for proposals that add international components to an existing course or create new courses with substantial international content.

Proposals will be accepted for courses at all levels from individual professors or from faculty working together. Funds from these grants may be used for the development of online course components, videoconferencing, travel related to course development activities, graduate student assistance, software or course materials.

There will be 17 awards of $3000 each. Five will be granted for courses related to Latin America which have a technology component by the Partnership for Global Learning. Research and Graduate Programs will grant five awards for courses that have a research component. The International Center and the Transnational and Global Studies Center will award up to seven grants dealing with specific regions of the world or that have a transnational or global focus.

A faculty review committee will be convened to judge proposals. Proposals must be submitted by March 1, 2004 to: Internationalizing the Curriculum Proposals: 123 Grinter Hall, P.O. Box 113225, Campus. Awards will be granted in April 2004 for courses to be taught in the 2004-2005 academic year.

The proposal format and additional information can be found at: or obtained from Dr. Sandra L. Russo at at 392-5834 or in 416 Peabody. For further questions, please contact Dr. Russo.

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