Senior Vice President for Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Florida

Published: June 9th, 2004

Category: Memos

Winfred M. Phillips, Vice President for Research

Applications and nominations are invited for the position of Senior Vice President for Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Florida, Gainesville. A part of the State University System, the University of Florida is a land-grant institution and a member of the American Association of Universities.

Duties and Responsibilities: The University’s programs in food, agriculture, and renewable human and natural resources are administered by the Senior Vice President for Agriculture and Natural Resources, who reports directly to the President of the University. The Senior Vice President is the administrative head of the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) which encompasses five major units: the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences; the Agricultural Experiment Station; the Cooperative Extension Service; the School of Forest Resources and Conservation; and elements of the College of Veterinary Medicine. The Director of the campus wide School of Natural Resources and Environment reports to the Senior Vice President for Agriculture and Natural Resources. Within IFAS there are some 930 faculty members located in 18 academic departments on the main campus, 15 administrative research and education centers throughout the state (with faculty located in 17 different geographical sites) and 67 county extension offices. Current student enrollment (graduate and undergraduate) is approximately 3,900. Through its Office of International Programs and the Center for Tropical Agriculture, IFAS also administers contract programs of technical assistance in agriculture and related natural resources to developing nations in tropical areas around the world.

IFAS has an annual operating budget from federal, state and county governments of more than $230 million, which includes a contracts and grants budget of approximately $80 million annually.

Among other qualities, candidates for the position should have a strong record of achievement in leadership, scholarship, administration and fundraising. The candidate must demonstrate effective communication skills and the ability to work successfully within the framework of a large university, as well as with external groups with a strong commitment to excellence in instruction, basic and applied research, and the University’s outreach and extension mission. Experience at several land-grant institutions is preferred with an understanding of, and commitment to, their mission.

Qualifications: The candidate must hold a doctoral degree in an appropriate area of specialization with the qualifications necessary to hold a tenured position with the academic rank of professor. It is vital that the candidate have a strong record of academic scholarship.

Nominations and Applications: The President and the Senior Vice President for Agriculture and Natural Resources Search Committee invite letters of nomination, applications, or expressions of interest to be submitted to the search firm representing the University. Review of materials will begin immediately and continue until the appointment is made. It is preferred, however, that all nominations and applications be submitted prior to September 10, 2004.

Laurie C. Wilder
Vice President
The Amrop Hever Group
5 Concourse Parkway, Suite 2440
Atlanta, GA 30328
Refer to Position # 911790

The University of Florida is a member of the State University System of Florida and is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. The “government in the sunshine” laws of Florida require that all documents relating to the search process, including letters of application/nomination and reference, be available for public inspection.

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