Corrections to Budget Error Vouchers
Michael V. McKee, University Controller
Purchasing and Disbursement Services (PDS) has contacted departments throughout the year in an effort to resolve vouchers in budget error status. Many of these errors remain unresolved. As we approach the end of the fiscal year, vouchers in budget error status need to be resolved. PDS will continue to work with departments as budget errors occur, but now vouchers with a budget status of “error” will be handled as follows:
Regular vouchers with an accounting date older than 60 days – Voucher will be deleted and the department will be notified.
Regular vouchers with an accounting date less than 60 days old and all Pcard vouchers – Vouchers will be budget checked by PDS. If they continue to fail budget check, the voucher will be applied to a college-furnished default cost center and the department will be notified. If this is not the appropriate cost center, an E2E voucher will need to be input by the department to move the charge.
If you have any questions, you may contact Randy Staples or Barbara Bennett at 392-1241.
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