Provost Fellow in Faculty Development
Janie M. Fouke, Provost
The Office of the Provost is pleased to announce that the Provost Faculty Fellow Program will host a Faculty Fellow to assist the office with enriching the New Chair and New Faculty Orientations including the development of an administrative packet, as well as updating the Faculty Handbook.
This fellow will collaborate with the Office of Human Resource Services, the Office of the Vice President and General Counsel, and Associate Provosts in gathering policies and regulations for the handbook and orientations. In addition to participating in policy discussions and decisions, the fellow will be responsible for creating a central location for policies and procedures on the Office of the Provost website.
The term will begin June 1, 2006 for one year and will include summer compensation, where appropriate. Faculty at the rank of Associate Professor or Professor are encouraged to submit a two-page, double-spaced statement of interest and a brief curriculum vita by Friday, April 28, 2006 to the Office of the Provost, Attention:
Cheryl Gater,
PO Box 113175 (235 Tigert Hall)
Or Email Cheryl Gater
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