Endowment Spending Policy

Published: May 25th, 2006

Category: Memos

Paul A. Robell, Vice President, Development and Alumni Affairs

We are pleased to share with you the attached document that summarizes the recent changes made to the endowment spending policy. There are three significant changes:

1.  “investment value” will now be called “spending base” for better clarity;

2.  the spending base to market value ratio of each endowment fund will now be recalculated and adjusted if necessary quarterly (rather than twice a year);

3.  the range for this ratio will be raised from 80-90% to 85-95%.

Additionally, the Foundation Board has approved a one time increase to 90% in the spending base of each endowment on June 30, 2006, therefore most endowment funds will see an average 10% increase in their spending bases and subsequently in spendable incomes next year.

In mid-July we will report on investment performance returns (calculated as of June 30) and will post these adjustments to your funds.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at probell@uff.ufl.edu, Leslie Bram lbram@uff.ufl.edu or Randy Settle rsettle@uff.ufl.edu.

Endowment Policy (effective 07/01/06)

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