UF Disposal and Reuse Policy for Electronic Equipment

Published: May 19th, 2006

Category: Memos

William S. Properzio, PhD, Director, Environmental Health and Safety

Responding to the potential for some electronic equipment to leach toxic substances to the environment the Federal Environment Protection Agency and Florida Department of Environmental Protection have issued guidance related to appropriate disposal of this class of equipment. Of particular concern are computer monitors (CRTs) and central processing units (CPUs) but other electronic equipment are also of concern.

To assure that equipment that could create environmental contamination is properly managed and to meet the universities goals for sustainability an Electronics Reuse/Recycling Policy has been established.


This policy prohibits disposal of CRTs, CPUs and other electronic wastes in the university solid waste disposal system (university trash dumpsters). All electronic waste described by this policy shall be disposed of in accordance with the Procedures for Re-Using and/or Recycling of University of Florida Electronic Equipment established by Finance and Administration’s department of Asset Management.


Adherence with the above disposal policy and procedures will assure compliance with environmental regulations and support the university goals for sustainability.

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