The Undergraduate Research Database

Published: August 29th, 2006

Category: Memos

Sheila K. Dickison, Associate Provost and Director of the Honors Program

The Honors Program keeps a database of all research projects at the University of Florida that could involve undergraduate students. We publish this database on our website so that undergraduate students can have an easily accessible means to find projects that may be of interest to them. We understand that all research projects will not be suitable for undergraduate students; however, it is our hope that some researchers will find a need for undergraduate participants, even if in a small capacity.

If you have a project that you would like to list on the database or if you would like to update or delete a project currently listed in the database, please do so by visiting our web site and using the online submission form located at . We post the updates and revisions daily.

Additionally, students interested in the Undergraduate Research Scholars Program or those who are writing senior theses to graduate with Honors will find the Undergraduate Research Database a helpful tool when searching for faculty projects of interest to them. We have recently updated the website for the Undergraduate Research Database at and expect that students will find it more user-friendly.

Please pass this message along to your colleagues in your department. We greatly appreciate your assistance in this effort. Note that we will soon be giving the Undergraduate Research Database site a complete facelift so it will be easier for everyone to use.

For additional information or if you have any questions, please e-mail Sheila Dickison at or call us at 392-1519.

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