University Committee Nominations 2008-2009

Published: December 5th, 2007

Category: Memos

Carol Ritzen Kem, Chair, Senate Nominating Committee

Each year the University of Florida offers employees the opportunity to participate in its governance through various university committees, boards, and councils (see the Senate Website at for a list of committees). Faculty, administrators and staff are all encouraged to serve as a member of one or more of these entities. All nominations will receive due consideration.

The Senate Nominating Committee invites recommendations for nominations to fill these vacancies. We encourage self- nominations. If you choose to nominate a colleague, please verify their willingness to serve before completing the nomination form.

The nomination form is posted to the Senate Website at We ask you to fill out the form completely before submitting it. Please check to see that you (or your nominee) meet the requirements, if any, to serve on the committees and rank up to four preferences on the nomination form with “1” as first preference, etc. You may also indicate your (or your nominee’s) willingness to serve “as needed” on a committee.

Submit the completed form by 5 PM January 18, 2008.

If you have any questions concerning these committees, you may call or send an email to any of the following members of the Senate Nominating Committee:

Ayers, Jackie; 392-1171;
Curta, Florin; 392-0271;
Eaverly, Mary Ann; 392-2075;
Katovich, Michael; 273-7690;
Kem, Carol Ritzen; 273-2629;
Nair, PK; 846-0880;
Swaminathan, Sankar; 846-1151;
Turner, R. Elaine; 392-1963;

We hope that you will use this opportunity to become more active in our university. Thank you for your participation.

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