September 11 Observance
Ed Poppell, Vice President for Business Affairs
The University on Friday will observe a moment of silence to mark the eighth anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
The observance will begin at 9:11 a.m. In addition, a candlelight vigil will be held at 7 p.m. Friday on the Plaza of the Americas next to the 9-11 Never Forget Project, a memorial with 2,977 flags representing each person killed in the attacks. Carillon graduate assistant Benjamin Wasmuth will perform John Courter’s “In Memoriam” immediately after the 7 p.m. Century Tower clock strike. The vigil will open with a singing of the national anthem and will be followed by speakers and a chance for attendees to remember and reflect on these individuals.
I hope you will take this time to pause and remember those who lost their lives in the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and aboard Flight 93 in Pennsylvania.
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