UF Campus Directory and AT&T Telephone Book Distribution

Published: September 10th, 2010

Category: Memos

John Madey, Associate Director CNS-Telecommunications

CNS-Telecommunications assists with PPD Central Stores in the distribution of the University of Florida Campus and AT&T Telephone Book. As a first step, we need to send an updated directory count prior to the next printing. Once available, the location and time for both Campus and AT&T directory pickup will be e-mailed to the contact person for each department submitted below. Please keep in mind that much of this information is accessible online and in keeping with UF’s sustainability goals always “Think Before You Ink!”

Directory Count:
Please make your requests for directories at the following link by October 8th to ensure proper quantities will be ordered: http://telenet.cns.ufl.edu/directoryrequest

If your department or building is listed below, you will receive directories through bulk shipments and do not need to respond to this memo. Contact the appropriate department to receive your directories, as follows:

Housing: Harold Wheeler 392-6030 (residents)
Student Government (Reitz): Sandy Vernon 392-1665 (off-campus students)
Shands, 1329, & Med Plaza: montem@shands.ufl.edu
Off campus IFAS locations: cmh@mail.ifas.ufl.edu

If you have any questions concerning your department’s listings or directory distribution, contact Ray Warner, CNS-Telecommunications, at rcwarner@ufl.edu or 352.392.1139.

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