Tenure, Permanent Status and Promotion Workshops for Faculty
Dr. Angel Kwolek-Folland, Associate Provost, Academic Affairs
Workshops have been scheduled to discuss the preparation of tenure and promotion packets and the University evaluation process for 2011-2012.
We encourage faculty who will be submitting packets this fall, members of this year’s college/unit review boards, new hires, and other interested faculty who may be going through the process in the near future to attend one of these sessions:
DATE: Wednesday, March 23, 2011
TIME: 9am-11:30am
LOCATION: Smathers Library Room 1A (Library East)
DATE:Wednesday, March 30, 2011
TIME: 2:00pm-4:00pm
LOCATION: Health Science Center/Shands, Room 6120 (Atrium elevators to 6th floor)
This workshop will be available to Jacksonville employees via videoconference in the Deal Board Room.
A separate workshop on Tenure and Promotion aimed specifically for staff that assist faculty in the process will be held on February 24, 9am-12N in room 120 HR building as part of the PRO3 series (PRO324). If you have questions, on the faculty or staff workshops please contact Janet Malphurs at jmmalph@ufl.edu.
To sign up for one of the faculty workshops please RSVP Ileana McCray at mccrayi@ufl.edu
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